Define input and output types

When creating a BentoML Service, you need to specify the input and output (IO) types the Service’s API. These types are integral in shaping the logic of the Service API, guiding the flow of data into and out of the Service. BentoML supports a wide range of data types that are commonly used in Python, Pydantic, as well as types specific to machine learning (ML) workflows. This ensures that BentoML Services can seamlessly integrate with different data sources and ML frameworks.

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the supported Service API schemas in BentoML, with code examples to illustrate their implementation.


Supported input and output types in BentoML include:

  • Standard Python types: Basic types like str, int, float, boolean, list, and dict.

  • Pydantic field types: BentoML extends its type support to Pydantic field types, offering a more structured and validated approach to handling complex data schemas.

  • ML specific types: To meet the requirements of different ML use cases, BentoML supports types like numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor, and tensorflow.Tensor for handling tensor data, pandas.DataFrame for working with tabular data, PIL.Image.Image for image data, and pathlib.Path for file path references.

You use Python’s type annotations to define the expected input and output types for each API endpoint. This not only helps validate the data against the specified schema but also enhances the clarity and readability of the code. The type annotations play an important role in generating the API, BentoML client, and UI components, ensuring a consistent and predictable interaction with the Service.

In addition, you can use pydantic.Field to set additional information about parameters, such as default values and descriptions. This improves the API’s usability and provides basic documentation. See the following examples for details.

Define API schemas

This section presents examples of different API schemas supported in BentoML. Each example shows how to define input and output types for a specific use case.

Standard Python types

Python’s standard types such as strings, integers, floats, booleans, lists, and dictionaries are commonly used for simple data structures. You can easily integrate these types into your Service. Here is an example:

from pydantic import Field
import bentoml

class LanguageModel:
    def generate(
        self, prompt: str = Field(description="The prompt text"),
        temperature: float = Field(default=0.0, description="A sampling temperature between 0 and 2"),
        max_tokens: int = Field(default=1000, description="max tokens to use"),
    ) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
        # Implementation of the language generation model

This example uses Python’s type annotations (for example, str, float, and int) to specify the expected data type for each parameter. It returns a generator, which can stream the response. pydantic.Field can be used to set default values and provide descriptions for parameters.

Example and nullable input

You can define APIs that accept inputs with examples or nullable fields.

To set an example value, you can use pydantic.Field:

from pydantic import Field
import bentoml

class IrisClassifier:
    def classify(self, input: np.ndarray = Field(examples=[[0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 1.0]]) -> np.ndarray:

To handle nullable input, you can use Optional:

from pydantic import Field
from typing import Optional
import bentoml

class LanguageModel:
    def generate(
        self, prompt: int = Field(description="The prompt text"),
        temperature: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, description="A sampling temperature between 0 and 2"),
        max_tokens: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, description="max tokens to use"),
    ) -> Generator[str, None, None]:

In the LanguageModel class, the temperature and max_tokens fields are marked as Optional, which means they can be None. When using Optional types in BentoML, you must provide a default value (here, default=None). General union types are not supported.


Pydantic models support more structured data with validation. They are particularly useful when your Service needs to handle complex data structures with rigorous validation requirements. Here is an example:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
import bentoml

# Define a Pydantic model for structured data input
class AdsGenerationParams(BaseModel):
    prompt: str = Field(description="The prompt text")
    industry: str = Field(description="The industry the company belongs to")
    target_audience: str = Field(description="Target audience for the advertisement")
    temperature: float = Field(default=0.0, description="A sampling temperature between 0 and 2")

class AdsWriter:
    def generate(self, params: AdsGenerationParams) -> str:
        # Implementation logic

In the above code snippet, the AdsGenerationParams class is a Pydantic model which defines the structure and validation of input data. Each field in the class is annotated with a type, and can include default values and descriptions. Pydantic automatically validates incoming data against the AdsGenerationParams schema. If the data doesn’t conform to the schema, an error will be raised before the method is executed.

You can also use a Pydantic model directly at the top level for a BentoML Service API without wrapping the payload inside a key:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
import typing as t
import bentoml

class AdsGenerationParams(BaseModel):
    prompt: str = Field(description="The prompt text")
    industry: str = Field(description="The industry the company belongs to")
    target_audience: str = Field(description="Target audience for the advertisement")
    temperature: float = Field(default=0.0, description="A sampling temperature between 0 and 2")

class AdsWriter:
    def generate(self, **params: t.Any) -> str:

        # Access parameters from the request
        prompt = params['prompt']
        industry = params['industry']
        target_audience = params['target_audience']
        temperature = params['temperature']
        # Use the parameters in your Service logic
        # Implementation logic

In the above code snippet, all the validated and parsed fields from the incoming request are passed into the generate method as keyword arguments stored in the params dictionary. You can access these parameters directly by their field names defined in AdsGenerationParams as keys in the dictionary.

Pydantic’s BaseModel only supports built-in types in Python as field types. You can use bentoml.IODescriptor instead of pydantic.BaseModel to gain support for types such as numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame, and torch.Tensor.

import bentoml

class MyInputParams(bentoml.IODescriptor):
    data: np.ndarray[tuple[int], np.dtype[np.float16]]


You handle file input and output using pathlib.Path. It is helpful for Services that process files, such as audio, images, and documents.

Here’s a simple example that accepts a Path object as input, representing the path to an audio file.

from pathlib import Path
import bentoml

class WhisperX:
    def to_text(self, audio: Path) -> str:
        # Implementation for converting audio files to text

To restrict the file type to a specific format, such as audio files, you can use the ContentType validator with the Annotated type. For example, you can let the API method only accept MP3 audio files:

from pathlib import Path
from bentoml.validators import ContentType
from typing import Annotated  # Python 3.9 or above
from typing_extensions import Annotated  # Older than 3.9
import bentoml

class WhisperX:
    def to_text(self, audio: Annotated[Path, ContentType("audio/mp3")]) -> str:

To output a file with a path, you can use context.temp_dir to provide a unique temporary directory for each request and store the output file. For example:

from pathlib import Path
import bentoml

class Vits:
    def to_speech(self, text: str, context: bentoml.Context) -> Path:
        # Example text-to-speech synthesis implementation
        audio_bytes = self.tts.synthesize(text)
        # Writing the audio bytes to a file in the temporary directory
        with open(Path(context.temp_dir) / "output.mp3", "wb") as f:
        # Returning the path to the generated audio file directly
        return Path(context.temp_dir) / "output.mp3"

When the method returns a Path object pointing to the generated file, BentoML serializes this file and includes it in the response to the client.

More practical examples to handle files:

from pathlib import Path
from bentoml.validators import ContentType
from typing import Annotated  # Python 3.9 or above
from typing_extensions import Annotated  # Older than 3.9
import bentoml

class AppendStringToFile:

    def append_string_to_eof(
        context: bentoml.Context,
        txt_file: Annotated[Path, ContentType("text/plain")],
        input_string: str,
    ) -> Annotated[Path, ContentType("text/plain")]:
        with open(txt_file, "a") as file:
        return txt_file
from bentoml.validators import ContentType
from typing import Annotated  # Python 3.9 or above
from typing_extensions import Annotated  # Older than 3.9
from PIL import Image as im
import bentoml

class PDFtoImage:
    def pdf_first_page_as_image(
        pdf: Annotated[Path, ContentType("application/pdf")],
    ) -> Image:
        from pdf2image import convert_from_path

        pages = convert_from_path(pdf)
        return pages[0].resize(pages[0].size, im.ANTIALIAS)
from pathlib import Path
from bentoml.validators import ContentType
from typing import Annotated  # Python 3.9 or above
from typing_extensions import Annotated  # Older than 3.9
import bentoml

class AudioSpeedUp:
    def speed_up_audio(
        context: bentoml.Context,
        audio: Annotated[Path, ContentType("audio/mpeg")],
        velocity: float,
    ) -> Annotated[Path, ContentType("audio/mp3")]:

        import os
        from pydub import AudioSegment

        output_path = os.path.join(context.temp_dir, "output.mp3")
        sound = AudioSegment.from_file(audio)
        sound = sound.speedup(velocity)
        sound.export(output_path, format="mp3")
        return Path(output_path)

If you don’t want to save temporary files to disk, you can return the data as bytes instead of pathlib.Path with properly annotated ContentType. This is efficient for Services that generate data on the fly.


BentoML supports various tensor types such as numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor, and tensorflow.Tensor. Additionally, you can use bentoml.validators like bentoml.Shape and bentoml.DType to enforce specific shapes and data types for tensor input. Here is an example:

import torch
from bentoml.validators import Shape, DType
from typing import Annotated  # Python 3.9 or above
from typing_extensions import Annotated  # Older than 3.9
from pydantic import Field
import bentoml

class IrisClassifier:
    def classify(
        input: Annotated[torch.Tensor, Shape((1, 4)), DType("float32")]
        = Field(description="A 1x4 tensor with float32 dtype")
    ) -> np.ndarray:

In this example:

  • The classify method expects torch.Tensor input.

  • The Annotated type is used with Shape and Dtype validators to specify that the expected tensor should have a shape of (1, 4) and a data type of float32.

  • pydantic.Field provides an additional description for the input parameter for better readability of the API.


Pandas DataFrames are commonly used for handling tabular data in machine learning. BentoML supports Pandas DataFrame input and allows you to annotate them with validators to ensure the data conforms to the expected structure.

Here is an example:

from typing import Annotated  # Python 3.9 or above
from typing_extensions import Annotated  # Older than 3.9
import pandas as pd
from bentoml.validators import DataframeSchema
import bentoml

class IrisClassifier:
    def classify(
        input: Annotated[pd.Dataframe, DataframeSchema(orient="records", columns=["petal_length", "petal_width"])
    ) -> int:
        # Classification logic using the input DataFrame

In this example:

  • The classify method of the IrisClassifier Service accepts a Pandas DataFrame as input.

  • The Annotated type is used with DataframeSchema to specify the expected orientation and columns of the DataFrame.

    • orient="records" indicates that the DataFrame is expected in a record-oriented format.

    • columns=["petal_length", "petal_width"] specifies the expected columns in the DataFrame.

The DataframeSchema validator supports the following two orientations, which determine how the data is structured when received by the API.

  • records: Each row is represented as a dictionary where the keys are column names.

  • columns: Data is organized by columns, where each key in the dictionary represents a column, and the corresponding value is a list of column values.


BentoML Services can handle images through PIL.Image.Image and pathlib.Path.

You can directly pass image objects through PIL.Image.Image.

from PIL import Image as im
from PIL.Image import Image
import bentoml

class ImageResize:

    def generate(self, image: Image, height: int = 64, width: int = 64) -> Image:
        size = height, width
        return image.resize(size, im.LANCZOS)

You can use pathlib.Path with a ContentType validator to handle image files:

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated  # Python 3.9 or above
from typing_extensions import Annotated  # Older than 3.9
from bentoml.validators import ContentType
import bentoml

class MnistPredictor:
    def infer(self, input: Annotated[Path, ContentType('image/jpeg')]) -> int:


In advanced use cases, handling single data types often isn’t enough. Complex scenarios may require processing combinations of different data types.

For example, you can combine image and JSON input as below:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from PIL import Image as PILImage
import bentoml

class ImageMetadata(BaseModel):
    description: str = Field(description="Description of the image")
    timestamp: str = Field(description="Timestamp of when the image was captured")

class ImageProcessingService:

    def process_image(self, image: PILImage, metadata: ImageMetadata) -> dict:
        # Implementation for processing the image and metadata

In this example, PILImage handles the image data, while the Pydantic model ImageMetadata processes the JSON input.

BentoML also supports lists input and output of complex types, such as images and file paths. Here’s an example of defining APIs that handle lists of images and paths at once:

from PIL import Image as PILImage
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Dict
import bentoml

class BatchImageService:
    def enhance_images(self, images: List[PILImage]) -> PILImage:
        # Process images and return a single image

    def process_files(self, files: List[Path]) -> List[Dict]:
        # Process files and return a list of dictionaries

Note that currently BentoML does not support output that contains multiple raw binary data or combines raw binary data (like images or files) with plain dictionary data directly.

Validate data

Proper validation of input data is important for BentoML Services to ensure that the data being processed is in the expected format and meets the necessary quality standards. BentoML provides a simple validation mechanism and supports all the validation features provided by Pydantic by default. This allows for comprehensive checks on the structure, type, and constraints of the input data.

Here is an example:

from typing import Annotated  # Python 3.9 or above
from typing_extensions import Annotated  # older than 3.9
from annotated_types import Ge, Lt, Gt, MultipleOf, MaxLen
import bentoml

class LLMPredictor:
    def predict(
        prompt: Annotated[str, MaxLen(1000)],
        temperature: Annotated[float, Ge(0), Lt(2)],
        max_tokens: Annotated[int, Gt(0), MultipleOf(100)]
    ) -> int:

In this example, the validators ensure that the prompt string does not exceed 1000 characters, temperature is between 0 and 2, and max_tokens is a positive multiple of 100.

Validation for useful ML types

BentoML provides validation capabilities for common ML data types, such as tensors and data frames, to ensure the integrity of the data being fed into models. You can find validation examples for these data types in the above sections.

The following table includes the additional input and output types supported by BentoML, which are specifically designed for ML use cases. The annotations allowed for each type can be used to further refine and validate the data.

Type name


Annotations allowed


Multi-dimensional array for numerical data, commonly used in ML tasks.

bentoml.validators.Shape, bentoml.validators.DType


Tensor type in PyTorch for representing tensor data.

bentoml.validators.Shape, bentoml.validators.DType


Tensor type in TensorFlow for representing tensor data.

bentoml.validators.Shape, bentoml.validators.DType


Data structure for tabular data, commonly used in data analysis.



Image data type from the PIL library, used in image processing.



File paths, used for file inputs and outputs.


BentoML also supports all Pydantic annotated types for validation. See the Pydantic documentation for more information.


This section provides the tables summarizing the supported input and output types in BentoML Services.

Input types


Input annotation

HTTP content type

Example input HTTP body


predict(self, input1: str, input2: int)


curl -XPOST -d '{ "input1": "input_value", "input2": 2 }'


  • predict(self, input1: torch.Tensor)

  • predict(self, input1: numpy.ndarray)

  • predict(self, input1: tensorflow.Tensor)


curl -XPOST -d '{ "input1": [[1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2]] }'

Tabular data

predict(self, input1: pandas.DataFrame)


curl -XPOST -d '{ "input1": [{"col1": 1, "col2": 2}, {"col1": 1, "col2": 2}] }'


predict(self, input1: str, input2: PIL.Image.Image)


  • Path: curl -XPOST -F input1="enter_your_prompt_here" -F input2="image=@/path/to/image.jpg"

  • URL: curl -XPOST -F input1="enter_your_prompt_here" -F input2="http://domain/path/to/image.jpg"


predict(self, input1: str, input2: pathlib.Path)


  • Path: curl -XPOST -F input1="enter_your_prompt_here" -F input2="image=@/path/to/image.jpg"

  • URL: curl -XPOST -F input1="enter_your_prompt_here" -F input2="http://domain/path/to/file.mp3"

Output types


Output annotation

HTTP content yype

Example output HTTP body


  • -> str

  • -> bytes




  • -> int

  • -> float

  • -> dict

  • -> list


  • 3

  • 1.1

  • {}

  • []


  • -> torch.Tensor

  • -> numpy.ndarray

  • -> tensorflow.Tensor


[[1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2]]

Tabular data

-> pandas.DataFrame


[{ "col1": 1, "col2": 2 }, { "col1": 1, "col2": 2 }]


-> PIL.Image.Image

image/<auto MIME type>

Binary body


-> pathlib.Path

<auto MIME type>

Binary body

Custom file

-> Annotated[pathlib.Path, ContentType("custom-type")]


Binary body