Adaptive batching¶

Adaptive batching is a dispatching mechanism in BentoML, which adjusts both the batch window and size based on traffic patterns. This mechanism minimizes latency and optimizes resource usage by continuously adjusting the batching parameters based on recent request trends.


Batching means grouping multiple inputs into a single batch for processing. It includes two main concepts:

  • Batch window: Maximum time a service waits to accumulate requests into a batch before processing.

  • Batch size: Maximum number of requests in a batch.


Adaptive batching is implemented on the server side. This is advantageous as opposed to client-side batching because it simplifies the client’s logic and it is often times more efficient due to traffic volume.

Specifically, there is a dispatcher within a BentoML Service that oversees collecting requests into a batch until the conditions of the batch window or batch size are met, at which point the batch is sent to the model for inference.

Adaptive batching in a single BentoML Service

For multiple Services, the Service responsible for running model inference (ServiceTwo in the diagram below) collects requests from the intermediary Service (ServiceOne) and forms batches based on optimal latency.

Adaptive batching in multiple BentoML Services


The bentoml.depends() function allows one Service to use the functionalities of another. For details, see Run distributed Services.

The adaptive batching algorithm continuously learns and adjusts the batching parameters based on recent trends in request patterns and processing time. This means that during high traffic time, batches are likely to be larger and processed more frequently, whereas during quieter periods, BentoML will prioritize reducing latency, even if that means smaller batch sizes.

The order of the requests in a batch is not guaranteed.

Configure adaptive batching¶

By default, adaptive batching is disabled. Use the @bentoml.api decorator to enable it and configure the batch behavior for an API endpoint.

Here is an example of enabling batching for the summarization Service in Hello world.

from __future__ import annotations
import bentoml
from typing import List
from transformers import pipeline

class Summarization:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.pipeline = pipeline('summarization')

    # Set `batchable` to True to enable batching
    def summarize(self, texts: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        results = self.pipeline(texts)
        return [item['summary_text'] for item in results]

Note that the batchable API:

  • Should be of a type that can encapsulate multiple individual requests, such as typing.List[str] or numpy.ndarray.

  • Only accepts one parameter in addition to bentoml.Context.

You can call the batchable endpoint through a BentoML client:

import bentoml
from typing import List

client = bentoml.SyncHTTPClient("http://localhost:3000")

# Specify the texts to summarize
texts: List[str] = [
    "Paragraph one to summarize",
    "Paragraph two to summarize",
    "Paragraph three to summarize"

# Call the exposed API
response = client.summarize(texts=texts)

print(f"Summarized results: {response}")

Other available parameters for adaptive batching:

  • batch_dim: The batch dimension for both input and output, which can be a tuple or a single value. See Service API for more information.

  • max_batch_size: The upper limit for the number of requests that can be grouped into a single batch. Set this parameter based on the available resources, like memory or GPU, to avoid overloading the system.

  • max_latency_ms: The maximum time in milliseconds that a batch will wait to accumulate more requests before processing.

When you specify max_batch_size and max_latency_ms parameters, BentoML ensures that these constraints are respected, even as it dynamically adjusts batch sizes and processing intervals based on the adaptive batching algorithm. The algorithm’s primary goal is to optimize both throughput (by batching requests together) and latency (by ensuring requests are processed within an acceptable time frame). However, it operates within the bounds set by these parameters.


When using a synchronous endpoint in one Service to call a batchable endpoint in another Service, it sends only one request at a time and waits for a response before sending the next. This is due to the default concurrency of 1 for synchronous endpoints. To enable concurrent requests and allow batching, set the threads=N parameter in the @bentoml.service decorator.

More BentoML examples with batchable APIs: SentenceTransformers, CLIP and ColPali.

Handle multiple parameters¶

A batchable API endpoint only accepts one parameter in addition to bentoml.Context. For multiple parameters, use a composite input type, such as a Pydantic model, to group these parameters into a single object. You also need a wrapper Service to serve as an intermediary to handle individual requests from clients.

Example usage:

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

import bentoml
from pydantic import BaseModel

# Group together multiple parameters with pydantic
class BatchInput(BaseModel):
    image: Path
    threshold: float

# A primary BentoML Service with a batchable API
class ImageService:
    def predict(self, inputs: list[BatchInput]) -> list[Path]:
        # Inference logic here using the image and threshold from each input
        # For demonstration, return the image paths directly
        return [input.image for input in inputs]

# A wrapper Service
class MyService:
    batch = bentoml.depends(ImageService)

    def generate(self, image: Path, threshold: float) -> Path:
        result = self.batch.predict([BatchInput(image=image, threshold=threshold)])
        return result[0]

In the code snippet:

  • The Pydantic model groups together all the required parameters. Each BatchInput instance represents a single request’s parameters, like image and threshold.

  • The primary BentoML Service ImageService has a batchable API method to accept a list of BatchInput objects.

  • The wrapper Service defines an API generate that accepts individual parameters (image and threshold) for a single request. It uses bentoml.depends to invoke the ImageService’s batchable predict method with a list containing a single BatchInput instance.

Error handling¶

If a Service can’t process requests fast enough and exceeds the max_latency_ms, it will return an HTTP 503 Service Unavailable error. To resolve this, either increase max_latency_ms or improve system resources, such as adding more memory or CPUs.