Bento and model APIs

This page contains management APIs for Bentos and models.

Manage Bentos

bentoml.list(tag: Tag | str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) t.List[Bento][source]
bentoml.get(tag: Tag | str, *, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) Bento[source]
bentoml.delete(tag: Tag | str, *, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>)[source]
bentoml.export_bento(tag: Tag | str, path: str, output_format: str | None = None, *, protocol: str | None = None, user: str | None = None, passwd: str | None = None, params: dict[str, str] | None = None, subpath: str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) str[source]

Export a bento.

To export a bento to S3, you must install BentoML with extras aws:

» pip install bentoml[aws]


# exports 'my_bento' to '/path/to/folder/my_bento-version.bento' in BentoML's default format
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', '/path/to/folder')
# note that folders can only be passed if exporting to the local filesystem; otherwise the
# full path, including the desired filename, must be passed

# exports 'my_bento' to '/path/to/folder/my_bento.bento' in BentoML's default format
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_bento')
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_bento.bento')

# exports 'my_bento' to '/path/to/folder/my_bento.tar.gz' in gzip format
# currently supported formats are tar.gz ('gz'), tar.xz ('xz'), tar.bz2 ('bz2'), and zip
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_bento.tar.gz')
# outputs a gzipped tarfile as 'my_bento.ext'
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_bento.ext', 'gz')

# exports 'my_bento' to '/path/to/folder/my_bento/' as a folder
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_bento', 'folder')

# exports 'my_bento' to the S3 bucket 'my_bucket' as 'folder/my_bento-version.bento'
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', 's3://my_bucket/folder')
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', 'my_bucket/folder', protocol='s3')
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', 'my_bucket', protocol='s3', subpath='folder')
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', 'my_bucket', protocol='s3', subpath='folder',
                     user='<AWS access key>', passwd='<AWS secret key>',
                     params={'acl': 'public-read', 'cache-control': 'max-age=2592000,public'})

For a more comprehensive description of what each of the keyword arguments (protocol, user, passwd, params, and subpath) mean, see the FS URL documentation.

  • tag – the tag of the Bento to export

  • path – can be either: * a folder on the local filesystem * an FS URL. For example, 's3://my_bucket/folder/my_bento.bento'

  • protocol – (expert) The FS protocol to use when exporting. Some example protocols are 'ftp', 's3', and 'userdata'

  • user – (expert) the username used for authentication if required, e.g. for FTP

  • passwd – (expert) the username used for authentication if required, e.g. for FTP

  • params – (expert) a map of parameters to be passed to the FS used for export, e.g. {'proxy': ''} for setting a proxy for FTP

  • subpath – (expert) the path inside the FS that the bento should be exported to

  • _bento_store – save Bento created to this BentoStore


A representation of the path that the Bento was exported to. If it was exported to the local filesystem,

this will be the OS path to the exported Bento. Otherwise, it will be an FS URL.

Return type:


bentoml.import_bento(path: str, input_format: str | None = None, *, protocol: str | None = None, user: str | None = None, passwd: str | None = None, params: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None, subpath: str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) Bento[source]

Import a bento.


# imports 'my_bento' from '/path/to/folder/my_bento.bento'

# imports 'my_bento' from '/path/to/folder/my_bento.tar.gz'
# currently supported formats are tar.gz ('gz'),
# tar.xz ('xz'), tar.bz2 ('bz2'), and zip
# treats 'my_bento.ext' as a gzipped tarfile
bentoml.import_bento('/path/to/folder/my_bento.ext', 'gz')

# imports 'my_bento', which is stored as an
# uncompressed folder, from '/path/to/folder/my_bento/'
bentoml.import_bento('/path/to/folder/my_bento', 'folder')

# imports 'my_bento' from the S3 bucket 'my_bucket',
# path 'folder/my_bento.bento'
# requires `fs-s3fs <>`_
bentoml.import_bento('my_bucket/folder/my_bento.bento', protocol='s3')
bentoml.import_bento('my_bucket', protocol='s3',
bentoml.import_bento('my_bucket', protocol='s3',
                     user='<AWS access key>', passwd='<AWS secret key>',
                     params={'acl': 'public-read',
                             'cache-control': 'max-age=2592000,public'})

For a more comprehensive description of what each of the keyword arguments (protocol, user, passwd,

params, and subpath) mean, see the

FS URL documentation.

  • tag – the tag of the bento to export

  • path

    can be one of two things: * a folder on the local filesystem * an FS URL,

    for example 's3://my_bucket/folder/my_bento.bento'

  • protocol – (expert) The FS protocol to use when exporting. Some example protocols are 'ftp', 's3', and 'userdata'

  • user – (expert) the username used for authentication if required, e.g. for FTP

  • passwd – (expert) the username used for authentication if required, e.g. for FTP

  • params – (expert) a map of parameters to be passed to the FS used for export, e.g. {'proxy': ''} for setting a proxy for FTP

  • subpath – (expert) the path inside the FS that the bento should be exported to

  • _bento_store – the bento store to save the bento to


the imported bento

Return type:

Bento str, *, name: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, description: str | None = None, include: t.List[str] | None = None, exclude: t.List[str] | None = None, envs: t.List[t.Dict[str, str]] | None = None, docker: DockerOptions | dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, python: PythonOptions | dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, conda: CondaOptions | dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, models: t.List[ModelSpec | str | dict[str, t.Any]] | None = None, version: str | None = None, build_ctx: str | None = None, platform: str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) Bento[source]

User-facing API for building a Bento. The available build options are identical to the keys of a valid ‘bentofile.yaml’ file.

This API will not respect any ‘bentofile.yaml’ files. Build options should instead be provided via function call parameters.

  • service – import str for finding the bentoml.Service instance build target

  • labels – optional immutable labels for carrying contextual info

  • description – optional description string in markdown format

  • include – list of file paths and patterns specifying files to include in Bento, default is all files under build_ctx, beside the ones excluded from the exclude parameter or a .bentoignore file for a given directory

  • exclude – list of file paths and patterns to exclude from the final Bento archive

  • docker – dictionary for configuring Bento’s containerization process, see details in bentoml._internal.bento.build_config.DockerOptions

  • python – dictionary for configuring Bento’s python dependencies, see details in bentoml._internal.bento.build_config.PythonOptions

  • conda – dictionary for configuring Bento’s conda dependencies, see details in bentoml._internal.bento.build_config.CondaOptions

  • version – Override the default auto generated version str

  • build_ctx – Build context directory, when used as

  • platform – Platform to build for


a Bento instance representing the materialized Bento saved in BentoStore

Return type:



import bentoml
    version="any_version_label",  # override default version generator
    exclude=[], # files to exclude can also be specified with a .bentoignore file
        "foo": "bar",
        "team": "abc"
        packages=["tensorflow", "numpy"],
        # requirements_txt="./requirements.txt",
        index_url="http://<api token>",
bentoml.bentos.build_bentofile(bentofile: str | None = None, *, service: str | None = None, version: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, build_ctx: str | None = None, platform: str | None = None, bare: bool = False, reload: bool = False, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) Bento[source]

Build a Bento base on options specified in a bentofile.yaml file.

By default, this function will look for a bentofile.yaml file in current working directory.

  • bentofile – The file path to build config yaml file

  • version – Override the default auto generated version str

  • build_ctx – Build context directory, when used as

  • bare – whether to build a bento without copying files

  • reload – whether to reload the service


a Bento instance representing the materialized Bento saved in BentoStore

Return type:


Load models

class bentoml.models.BentoModel(tag: Tag | str)[source]

Bases: Model[Model]

A model reference to a BentoML model.


tag (Tag) – The model tag.


The bento model object.

Return type:


classmethod from_info(info: BentoModelInfo) BentoModel[source]

Return the model object from the model info.

resolve(base_path: str | ~os.PathLike | ~fs.base.FS | None = None, global_model_store: ~bentoml._internal.models.model.ModelStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) Model[source]

Get the actual object of the model.

to_info(alias: str | None = None) BentoModelInfo[source]

Return the model info object.

class bentoml.models.HuggingFaceModel(model_id: str, revision: str = 'main', endpoint: str | None = NOTHING, include: List[str] | None = None, exclude: List[str] | None = None)[source]

Bases: Model[str]

A model reference to a Hugging Face model.

  • model_id (str) – The model tag. E.g. “google-bert/bert-base-uncased”.

  • revision (str, optional) – The revision to use. Defaults to “main”.

  • endpoint (str, optional) – The Hugging Face endpoint to use. Defaults to

  • include (List[str], optional) – The files to include. Defaults to all files.

  • exclude (List[str], optional) – The files to exclude. Defaults to no files.


The downloaded model path.

Return type:


classmethod from_info(info: BentoModelInfo) HuggingFaceModel[source]

Return the model object from the model info.

resolve(base_path: str | PathLike | FS | None = None) str[source]

Get the actual object of the model.

to_info(alias: str | None = None) BentoModelInfo[source]

Return the model info object.

Manage models

bentoml.models.create(name: Tag | str, *, labels: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, metadata: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, _model_store: ModelStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>, module: str = '', api_version: str = 'v1', signatures: ModelSignaturesType = {}, options: ModelOptions = ModelOptions(), custom_objects: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, external_modules: t.List[ModuleType] | None = None, context: ModelContext = ModelContext(framework_name='', framework_versions={}, bentoml_version='1.3.21.post3+ge51e2903', python_version='3.11.10')) t.Generator[Model, None, None][source]

Create a model instance in BentoML modelstore.

The following function arguments are deprecated:

module, api_version, signatures, options, custom_objects, external_modules, context

bentoml.models.list(tag: t.Optional[t.Union[Tag, str]] = None, *, _model_store: ModelStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) t.List['Model'][source]
bentoml.models.get(tag: t.Union[Tag, str], *, _model_store: ModelStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>, model_aliases: t.Dict[str, str] = <simple_di.providers.Static object>) Model[source]

Get a model by tag. If the tag is a string, it will be looked up in the model_aliases dict.

bentoml.models.delete(tag: t.Union[Tag, str], *, _model_store: ModelStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>)[source]
bentoml.models.export_model(tag: t.Union[Tag, str], path: str, output_format: t.Optional[str] = None, *, protocol: t.Optional[str] = None, user: t.Optional[str] = None, passwd: t.Optional[str] = None, params: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None, subpath: t.Optional[str] = None, _model_store: ModelStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) str[source]

Export a BentoML model.


# exports 'my_model' to '/path/to/folder/my_model-version.bentomodel' in BentoML's default format
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', '/path/to/folder')
# note that folders can only be passed if exporting to the local filesystem; otherwise the
# full path, including the desired filename, must be passed

# exports 'my_model' to '/path/to/folder/my_model.bentomodel' in BentoML's default format
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_model')
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_model.bentomodel')

# exports 'my_model' to '/path/to/folder/my_model.tar.gz in gzip format
# currently supported formats are tar.gz ('gz'), tar.xz ('xz'), tar.bz2 ('bz2'), and zip
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_model.tar.gz')
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_model.tar.gz', 'gz')

# exports 'my_model' to '/path/to/folder/my_model/ as a folder
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_model', 'folder')

# exports 'my_model' to the S3 bucket 'my_bucket' as 'folder/my_model-version.bentomodel'
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', 's3://my_bucket/folder')
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', 'my_bucket/folder', protocol='s3')
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', 'my_bucket', protocol='s3', subpath='folder')
bentoml.models.export_model('my_model:latest', 'my_bucket', protocol='s3', subpath='folder',
                            user='<AWS access key>', passwd='<AWS secret key>',
                            params={'acl': 'public-read', 'cache-control': 'max-age=2592000,public'})

For a more comprehensive description of what each of the keyword arguments (protocol, user, passwd, params, and subpath) mean, see the FS URL documentation.

  • tag – the tag of the model to export

  • path

    can be one of two things: * a folder on the local filesystem * an FS URL, for example, 's3://my_bucket/folder/my_model.bentomodel'

  • protocol – (expert) The FS protocol to use when exporting. Some example protocols are 'ftp', 's3', and 'userdata'.

  • user – (expert) the username used for authentication if required, e.g. for FTP

  • passwd – (expert) the username used for authentication if required, e.g. for FTP

  • params – (expert) a map of parameters to be passed to the FS used for export, e.g. {'proxy': ''} for setting a proxy for FTP

  • subpath – (expert) the path inside the FS that the model should be exported to

  • _model_store – the model store to get the model to save from


A representation of the path that the model was exported to. If it was exported to the local filesystem,

this will be the OS path to the exported model. Otherwise, it will be an FS URL.

Return type:


bentoml.models.import_model(path: str, input_format: t.Optional[str] = None, *, protocol: t.Optional[str] = None, user: t.Optional[str] = None, passwd: t.Optional[str] = None, params: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None, subpath: t.Optional[str] = None, _model_store: ModelStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) Model[source]

Import a bento model exported with bentoml.models.export_model. To import a model saved with a framework, see the save function under the relevant framework, e.g.


# imports 'my_model' from '/path/to/folder/my_model.bentomodel'

# imports 'my_model' from '/path/to/folder/my_model.tar.gz'
# currently supported formats are tar.gz ('gz'), tar.xz ('xz'), tar.bz2 ('bz2'), and zip
# treats 'my_model.ext' as a gzipped tarfile
bentoml.models.import_model('/path/to/folder/my_model.ext', 'gz')

# imports 'my_model', which is stored as an uncompressed folder, from '/path/to/folder/my_model/'
bentoml.models.import_model('/path/to/folder/my_model', 'folder')

# imports 'my_model' from the S3 bucket 'my_bucket', path 'folder/my_model.bentomodel'
# requires `fs-s3fs <>`_ ('pip install fs-s3fs')
bentoml.models.import_model('my_bucket/folder/my_model.bentomodel', protocol='s3')
bentoml.models.import_model('my_bucket', protocol='s3', subpath='folder/my_model.bentomodel')
bentoml.models.import_model('my_bucket', protocol='s3', subpath='folder/my_model.bentomodel',
                            user='<AWS access key>', passwd='<AWS secret key>',
                            params={'acl': 'public-read', 'cache-control': 'max-age=2592000,public'})

For a more comprehensive description of what each of the keyword arguments (protocol, user, passwd, params, and subpath) mean, see the FS URL documentation.

  • tag – the tag of the model to export

  • path

    can be one of two things: * a folder on the local filesystem * an FS URL, for example 's3://my_bucket/folder/my_model.bentomodel'

  • protocol – (expert) The FS protocol to use when exporting. Some example protocols are 'ftp', 's3', and 'userdata'

  • user – (expert) the username used for authentication if required, e.g. for FTP

  • passwd – (expert) the username used for authentication if required, e.g. for FTP

  • params – (expert) a map of parameters to be passed to the FS used for export, e.g. {'proxy': ''} for setting a proxy for FTP

  • subpath – (expert) the path inside the FS that the model should be exported to

  • _model_store – the model store to save the model to


the imported model

Return type:


Work with BentoCloud

bentoml.push(tag: Tag | str, *, force: bool = False, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>, _cloud_client: BentoCloudClient = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>)[source]

Push Bento to a yatai server.

bentoml.pull(tag: Tag | str, *, force: bool = False, _bento_store: BentoStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>, _cloud_client: BentoCloudClient = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>)[source]
bentoml.models.push(tag: t.Union[Tag, str], *, force: bool = False, _model_store: ModelStore = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>, _cloud_client: BentoCloudClient = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>)[source]
bentoml.models.pull(tag: t.Union[Tag, str], *, force: bool = False, _cloud_client: BentoCloudClient = <simple_di.providers.SingletonFactory object>) Model | None[source]