Configure lifecycle hooks

Lifecycle hooks in BentoML offers mechanism to run custom logic at various stages of a Service’s lifecycle. By leveraging these hooks, you can perform setup actions at startup, clean up resources before shutdown, and more.

This document provides an overview of lifecycle hooks and how to use them in BentoML Services.

Understand server lifecycle

BentoML’s server lifecycle consists of several stages, each providing a unique opportunity to perform specific tasks:

  1. Deployment hooks. These hooks run before any workers are spawned, making them suitable for one-time global setup tasks. They’re crucial for operations that should occur once, regardless of the number of workers.

  2. Spawn workers. BentoML then spawns worker processes according to the workers configuration specified in the @bentoml.service decorator.

  3. Service initialization and ASGI application startup. During the startup of each worker, any integrated ASGI application begins its lifecycle. This is when the __init__ method of your Service class is executed, allowing for instance-specific initialization.

  4. ASGI application teardown. Finally, as the server shuts down, including the ASGI application, shutdown hooks are executed. This stage is ideal for performing cleanup tasks, ensuring a graceful shutdown.

Configure hooks in a BentoML Service

This section provides code examples for configuring different BentoML hooks.

Deployment hooks

Deployment hooks are similar to static methods as they do not receive the self argument. You can define multiple deployment hooks in a Service. Use the @bentoml.on_deployment decorator to specify a method as a deployment hook. For example:

import bentoml

class HookService:
    # Deployment hook does not receive `self` argument. It acts similarly to a static method.
    def prepare():
        print("Do some preparation work, running only once.")

    # Multiple deployment hooks can be defined
    def additional_setup():
        print("Do more preparation work if needed, also running only once.")

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # Startup logic and initialization code
        print("This runs on Service startup, once for each worker, so it runs 4 times.")

    def predict(self, text) -> str:
        # Endpoint implementation logic

After the Service starts, you can see the following output on the server side in order:

$ bentoml serve service:HookService

Do some preparation work, running only once. # First on_deployment hook
Do more preparation work if needed, also running only once. # Second on_deployment hook
2024-03-13T03:12:33+0000 [INFO] [cli] Starting production HTTP BentoServer from "service:HookService" listening on http://localhost:3000 (Press CTRL+C to quit)
This runs on Service startup, once for each worker, so it runs 4 times.
This runs on Service startup, once for each worker, so it runs 4 times.
This runs on Service startup, once for each worker, so it runs 4 times.
This runs on Service startup, once for each worker, so it runs 4 times.

Startup hooks

Startup hooks are executed during Service initialization, after deployment hooks but before any API endpoints become available. These hooks run once per worker, making them ideal for worker-specific initialization tasks such as establishing database connections or loading resources.

Use the @bentoml.on_startup decorator to specify a method as a startup hook. For example:

import bentoml

class HookService:
    def prepare():
        print("Global preparation, runs once before workers start.")

    def init_resources(self):
        # This runs once per worker
        print("Initializing resources for worker.")
        self.db_connection = setup_database()

    async def init_async_resources(self):
        # For async initialization tasks
        print("Async resource initialization for worker.")
        self.cache = await setup_cache()

    def predict(self, text) -> str:
        # Use initialized resources in API endpoints
        return self.db_connection.query(text)

When you start this Service, you’ll see the following output:

$ bentoml serve service:HookService

Global preparation, runs once before workers start. # on_deployment hook
2024-03-13T03:12:33+0000 [INFO] [cli] Starting production HTTP BentoServer from "service:HookService" listening on http://localhost:3000
Initializing resources for worker. # First worker's startup hooks
Async resource initialization for worker.
Initializing resources for worker. # Second worker's startup hooks
Async resource initialization for worker.
Initializing resources for worker. # Third worker's startup hooks
Async resource initialization for worker.
Initializing resources for worker. # Fourth worker's startup hooks
Async resource initialization for worker.

Shutdown hooks

Shutdown hooks are executed as a BentoML Service is in the process of shutting down. It allows for the execution of cleanup logic such as closing connections, releasing resources, or any other necessary teardown tasks. You can define multiple shutdown hooks in a Service.

Use the @bentoml.on_shutdown decorator to specify a method as a shutdown hook. For example:

import bentoml

class HookService:
    def prepare():
        print("Do some preparation work, running only once.")

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # Startup logic and initialization code
        print("This runs on Service startup, once for each worker, so it runs 4 times.")

    def predict(self, text) -> str:
        # Endpoint implementation logic

    def shutdown(self):
        # Logic on shutdown
        print("Cleanup actions on Service shutdown.")

    async def async_shutdown(self):
        print("Async cleanup actions on Service shutdown.")