
A Bento is a format containing all essential components - source code, models, data files, and dependency configurations - required for running a user-defined BentoML Service. It is the standardized distribution unit in the BentoML ecosystem.

While the Service standardizes the inference API definition, including the serving logic, Runner initialization, and API input/output types, the Bento provides a standardized approach to reproducing the required environment for running a bentoml.Service instance in production.


β€œBento Build” is essentially the build process in traditional software development, where source code files are converted into standalone artifacts that are ready to deploy. BentoML reimagines this process for machine learning model delivery, and optimizes the workflow both for interactive model development and for working with automated training pipelines.

This page explains how to build and manage Bentos, and available configurations for customizing the Bento build process.

Build a Bento#

To build a Bento, you use the bentoml build CLI command with a bentofile.yaml configuration file. Here is a simple example with basic configurations from the Deploy an Iris classification model with BentoML quickstart. For a complete list of available configurations, see Bento build options.

service: "service:svc"  # Same as the argument passed to `bentoml serve`
    owner: bentoml-team
    stage: dev
- "*.py"  # A pattern for matching which files to include in the bento
    packages:  # Additional pip packages required by the service
    - scikit-learn
    - pandas
models: # The model to be used for building the Bento.
- iris_clf:latest
$ bentoml build

Building BentoML service "iris_classifier:dpijemevl6nlhlg6" from build context "/home/user/gallery/quickstart"
Packing model "iris_clf:zy3dfgxzqkjrlgxi"
Locking PyPI package versions..


Successfully built Bento(tag="iris_classifier:dpijemevl6nlhlg6")

After built, each Bento is automatically tagged with a unique version. It is also possible to set a specific version using the --version option, but this is generally unnecessary. Only use it if your team has a very specific naming convention for deployable artifacts.

bentoml build --version 1.0.1


Building a Bento involves importing the bentoml.Service object and its dependencies. Make sure you have all the dependencies installed in the build environment. Support for building from a Docker environment is on the roadmap; see #2495 for details.

Custom build context#

For projects that are part of a larger codebase and interact with other local Python modules or those containing multiple Bentos/Services, it might not be possible to put all Service definition code and bentofile.yaml in the project’s root directory.

BentoML allows the placement of the Service definition and bentofile.yaml anywhere in the project directory. In such scenarios, specify the build_ctx and bentofile arguments when running the bentoml build command.

  • build_ctx: The build context represents the working directory of your Python project. It will be prepended to the PYTHONPATH during build process, ensuring the correct import of local Python modules. By default, it’s set to the current directory where the bentoml build command is executed.

  • bentofile: A YAML configuration file that specifies the Bento build options. It defaults to the bentofile.yaml file in the build context.

To customize their values, use the following:

$ bentoml build -f ./src/my_project_a/bento_fraud_detect.yaml ./src/


By default, all created Bentos are stored in the BentoML Bento Store, which is essentially a local directory. You can go to a specific Bento directory by running the following command:

$ cd $(bentoml get BENTO_TAG -o path)

Inside the directory, you might see different files and sub-directories depending on the configurations in bentofile.yaml. A typical Bento contains the following key sub-directories:

  • src: Contains files specified in the include field of bentofile.yaml. These files are relative to user Python code’s CWD (current working directory), which makes importing relative modules and file paths inside user code possible.

  • apis: Contains API definitions auto-generated from the Service’s API specifications.

  • env: Contains environment-related files for Bento initialization. These files are generated based on the Bento build options specified in bentofile.yaml.


We do not recommend you change files in a Bento directly, unless it’s for debugging purposes.

Manage Bentos#

You can manage Bentos locally by using the bentoml CLI commands.

To display all the Bentos in the local Bento Store:

$ bentoml list

Tag                                                                                            Size        Creation Time
iris_classifier:rnjnyjcwtgknsnry                                                               78.84 MiB   2023-09-19 11:12:27
pt-stabilityai-stable-diffusion-xl-base-1-0-text2img:f898a3e026e802f68796b95e9702464bac78d76f  18.84 KiB   2023-09-08 12:10:08
meta-llama-llama-2-7b-chat-hf-service:08751db2aca9bf2f7f80d2e516117a53d7450235                 35.24 KiB   2023-08-23 11:16:46

To retrieve details of a specified Bento:

$ bentoml get iris_classifier:latest

service: service:svc
name: iris_classifier
version: rnjnyjcwtgknsnry
bentoml_version: 1.1.0
creation_time: '2023-09-19T03:12:27.608017+00:00'
  owner: bentoml-team
  project: dev
- tag: iris_clf:zf2oioswtchconry
  module: bentoml.sklearn
  creation_time: '2023-09-19T03:01:10.996520+00:00'
- name: iris_clf
  runnable_type: SklearnRunnable
  embedded: false
  - iris_clf:zf2oioswtchconry
    cpu: 4.0
    nvidia_gpu: 0.0
- name: classify
  input_type: NumpyNdarray
  output_type: NumpyNdarray

To delete a specific Bento:

$ bentoml delete iris_classifier:latest -y

Bento(tag="iris_classifier:rnjnyjcwtgknsnry") deleted

Import and export Bentos#

You can export a Bento in the BentoML Bento Store as a standalone archive file and share it between teams or move it between different deployment stages. For example:

$ bentoml export iris_classifier:latest .

INFO [cli] Bento(tag="iris_classifier:rnjnyjcwtgknsnry") exported to ./iris_classifier-rnjnyjcwtgknsnry.bento.
$ bentoml import ./iris_classifier-rnjnyjcwtgknsnry.bento

INFO [cli] Bento(tag="iris_classifier:rnjnyjcwtgknsnry") imported

You can also export Bentos to and import Bentos from external storage devices, such as AWS S3, GCS, FTP and Dropbox. For example:

pip install fs-s3fs  # Additional dependency required for working with S3
bentoml import s3://
bentoml export iris_classifier:latest s3://my_bucket/my_prefix/

To see a comprehensive list of supported platforms, see the PyFilesystem list.

Test Bentos#

After you build a Bento, it’s essential to test it locally before containerizing it or pushing it to BentoCloud for production deployment. Local testing ensures that the Bento behaves as expected and helps identify any potential issues. Here are two methods to test a Bento locally.

Via BentoML CLI#

You can easily serve a Bento using the BentoML CLI. Replace BENTO_TAG with your specific Bento tag (for example, iris_classifier:latest) in the following command.

bentoml serve BENTO_TAG

Via bentoml.Server API#

For those working within scripting environments or running Python-based tests where using the CLI might be difficult, the bentoml.Server API offers a more programmatic way to serve and interact with your Bento. It gives you detailed control over the server lifecycle, especially useful for debugging and iterative testing.

The following example uses the Bento iris_classifier:latest created in the quickstart Deploy an Iris classification model with BentoML to create an HTTP server. Note that GrpcServer is also available.

from bentoml import HTTPServer
import numpy as np

# Initialize the server with the Bento
server = HTTPServer("iris_classifier:latest", production=True, port=3000, host='')

# Start the server (non-blocking by default)

# Get a client to make requests to the server
client = server.get_client()

# Send a request using the client
result = client.classify(np.array([[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2]]))

# Stop the server to free up resources

Alternatively, you can manage the server’s lifecycle using a context manager. This ensures that the server is automatically stopped once you exit the with block.

from bentoml import HTTPServer
import numpy as np

server = HTTPServer("iris_classifier:latest", production=True, port=3000, host='')

with server.start() as client:
    result = client.classify(np.array([[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2]]))

Push and pull Bentos#

BentoCloud provides a centralized repository with flexible APIs and a Web Console for managing all Bentos created by your team. After you log in to BentoCloud, use bentoml push and bentoml pull to upload your Bentos to and download them from BentoCloud:

$ bentoml push iris_classifier:latest

Successfully pushed Bento "iris_classifier:nvjtj7wwfgsafuqj"
$ bentoml pull iris_classifier:nvjtj7wwfgsafuqj

Successfully pulled Bento "iris_classifier:nvjtj7wwfgsafuqj"

After a Bento is uploaded to BentoCloud, it is stored in one of the Bento repositories on the Bentos page. Each Bento repository corresponds to a Bento set, which contains different versions of a specific machine learning model.


Bento management APIs#

In addition to the CLI commands, BentoML also provides equivalent Python APIs for managing Bentos:

import bentoml
bento = bentoml.get("iris_classifier:latest")

import bentoml
bentos = bentoml.list()
import bentoml
bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_bento.bento')


You can export Bentos to and import Bentos from external storage devices, such as AWS S3, GCS, FTP and Dropbox. For example:

bentoml.export_bento('my_bento:latest', 's3://my_bucket/folder')

If you have access to BentoCloud, you can push local Bentos to or pull Bentos from it.

import bentoml
import bentoml

Bento build options#

BentoML allows you to customize the build configurations of a Bento using a YAML file, typically named bentofile.yaml. The following sections list available configurations in this file, including Service definitions, Python packages, models, and Docker settings.


service is a required field and points to where the bentoml.Service object resides. For example, it is often defined as service: "service:svc".

  • service: The Python module, namely the file.

  • svc: The bentoml.Service object named svc created in, with svc = bentoml.Service(...).


This is synonymous to how the bentoml serve command specifies a bentoml.Service target.

    β”‚                β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”˜
    β”‚                            β”‚
    β”‚  service: "service:svc"    β”‚
    β”‚                ─┬─         β”‚
    β”‚                 β”‚          β”‚
                      β”‚    β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”
β”‚                     β”‚    β””β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”˜
β”‚                     β–Ό       β”‚
β”‚ $ bentoml serve service:svc β”‚
β”‚                             β”‚
β”‚                             β”‚


description allows you to annotate your Bento with relevant documentation, which can be written in plain text or Markdown format. You can either directly provide the description in the bentofile.yaml file or reference an external file through a path.

service: "service:svc"
description: |
    ## Description For My Bento 🍱

    Use **any markdown syntax** here!

    > BentoML is awesome!
service: "service:svc"
description: "file: ./"


For descriptions sourced from an external file, either an absolute or relative path can be used. Make sure the file exists at the specified path when the bentoml build command is run. For relative paths, the reference point is the build_ctx, which defaults to the directory from which bentoml build is executed.


labels are key-value pairs associated with objects. In BentoML, both Bentos and models can have labels attached to them. These labels can serve various purposes, such as identifying or categorizing Bentos and models in BentoCloud. You can add or modify labels at any time.

  owner: bentoml-team
  stage: not-ready

Files to include#

You use the include field to include specific files when building the Bento. It supports wildcard characters and directory pattern matching. For example, setting it to *.py means every Python files under the existing build_ctx will be packaged into the Bento.

  - "data/"
  - "**/*.py"
  - "config/*.json"
  - "path/to/a/file.csv"

If this field is not specified, BentoML includes all files under the build_ctx by default, excluding those explicitly set in the exclude field.

See also

Both include and exclude fields support gitignore style pattern matching.

Files to exclude#

You use the exclude field to exclude specific files when building the Bento. This is useful when you have many files in the working directory, as you only need to specify the files to be ignored.

When setting this field, you specify the file pathspecs (similar to .gitignore) that are relative to the build_ctx directory.

- "data/"
- "**/*.py"
- "tests/"
- "secrets.key"

Alternatively, create a .bentoignore file in the build_ctx directory as follows:



exclude is always applied after include.

Python packages#

You specify the required Python packages for a given Bento using the python.packages field. BentoML allows you to specify the desired version and install a package from a custom PyPI source or from a GitHub repository. If a package lacks a specific version, BentoML will lock the package to the version available in the current environment when running bentoml build.

    - "numpy"
    - "matplotlib==3.5.1"
    - "package>=0.2,<0.3"
    - "torchvision==0.9.2 --extra-index-url"
    - "git+"


You don’t need to specify bentoml as a dependency in this field since the current version of BentoML will be added to the list by default. However, you can override this by specifying a different BentoML version.

To use a variant of BentoML with additional features such as gRPC, tracing exporters, and Pydantic validation, specify the desired variant in the python.packages field:

  - "bentoml[grpc]"
  - "bentoml[aws]"
  - "bentoml[io-json]"
  - "bentoml[io-image]"
  - "bentoml[io-pandas]"
  - "bentoml[io-json]"
  - "bentoml[tracing-jaeger]"
  - "bentoml[tracing-zipkin]"
  - "bentoml[tracing-otlp]"

If you already have a requirements.txt file that defines Python packages for your project, you may also supply a path to the requirements.txt file directly:

    requirements_txt: "./project-a/ml-requirements.txt"

Pip install options#

You can provide additional pip install arguments in the python field. If provided, these arguments will be applied to all packages defined in python.packages as well as the requirements_txt file.

    requirements_txt: "./requirements.txt"
    index_url: ""
    no_index: False
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - "https://<other api token>"
    - ""
    pip_args: "--pre -U --force-reinstall"


By default, BentoML caches pip artifacts across all local image builds to speed up the build process.

If you want to force a re-download instead of using the cache, you can specify the pip_args: "--no-cache-dir" option in your bentofile.yaml file, or use the --no-cache option in the bentoml containerize command. For example:

$ bentoml containerize my_bento:latest --no-cache

PyPI package locking#

By default, BentoML automatically locks all package versions, as well as all packages in their dependency graph, to the versions found in the current build environment, and generates a requirements.lock.txt file. This process uses pip-compile under the hood.

If you have already specified a version for all packages, you can optionally disable this behavior by setting the lock_packages field to false:

    requirements_txt: "requirements.txt"
    lock_packages: false

Python wheels#

Python .whl files are also supported as a type of dependency to include in a Bento. Simply provide a path to your .whl files under the wheels field.

    - ./lib/my_package.whl

If the wheel is hosted on a local network without TLS, you can indicate that the domain is safe to pip with the trusted_host field.

Python options table#

The following table provides a full list of available configurations for the python field.




The path to a custom requirements.txt file


Packages to include in this Bento


Whether to lock the packages


Inputs for the --index-url pip argument


Whether to include the --no-index pip argument


List of trusted hosts used as inputs using the --trusted-host pip argument


List of links to find as inputs using the --find-links pip argument


List of extra index URLs as inputs using the β‰ˆ pip argument


Any additional pip arguments that you want to add when installing a package


List of paths to wheels to include in the Bento


You can specify the model to be used for building a Bento using a string model tag or a dictionary, which will be written to the bento.yaml file in the Bento package. When you start from an existing project, you can download models from BentoCloud to your local Model Store with these configurations by running bentoml models pull. Note that you need to log in to BentoCloud first.

See the following example for details. If you don’t define models in bentofile.yaml, the model specified in the Service is used to build the Bento.

  - "iris_clf:latest" # A string model tag
  - tag: "iris_clf:version1" # A dictionary
    filter: "label:staging"
    alias: "iris_clf_v1"
  • tag: The name and version of the model, separated by a colon.

  • filter: This field uses the same filter syntax in BentoCloud. You use a filter to list specific models, such as the models with the same label. You can add multiple comma-separated filters to a model.

  • alias: An alias for the model. If this is specified, you can use it directly in code like bentoml.models.get(alias).

Conda options#

Conda dependencies can be specified under the conda field. For example:

    - default
    - h2o
    - "scikit-learn==1.2.0"

When the channels fieed is not specified, BentoML will use the community-maintained conda-forge channel as the default.

Optionally, you can export all dependencies from a pre-existing conda environment to an environment.yml file, and provide this file in your bentofile.yaml file.

To export a conda environment:

$ conda env export > environment.yml

To add it in your bentofile.yaml:

    environment_yml: "./environment.yml"


Unlike Python packages, BentoML does not support locking conda package versions automatically. We recommend you specify a version in the configuration file.

See also

When conda options are provided, BentoML will select a Docker base image that comes with Miniconda pre-installed in the generated Dockerfile. Note that only the debian and alpine distro support conda. Learn more in the Docker options section below.

Conda options table#

The following table provides a full list of available configurations for the conda field.




Path to a conda environment file to copy into the Bento. If specified, this file will overwrite any additional option specified


Custom conda channels to use. If not specified, BentoML will use conda-forge


Custom conda dependencies to include in the environment


The specific pip conda dependencies to include

Docker options#

BentoML makes it easy to deploy a Bento to a Docker container. It provides a set of options for customizing the Docker image generated from a Bento.

The following docker field contains some basic Docker configurations:

    distro: debian
    python_version: "3.8.12"
    cuda_version: "11.6.2"
      - libblas-dev
      - liblapack-dev
      - gfortran
      FOO: value1
      BAR: value2


BentoML uses BuildKit, a cache-efficient builder toolkit, to containerize Bentos.

BuildKit comes with Docker 18.09. This means if you are using Docker via Docker Desktop, BuildKit will be available by default. If you are using a standalone version of Docker, you can install BuildKit by following the instructions here.

The following sections provide detailed explanations of available Docker configurations.

OS distros#

The following OS distros are currently supported in BentoML:

  • debian: The default value, similar to Ubuntu

  • alpine: A minimal Docker image based on Alpine Linux

  • ubi8: Red Hat Universal Base Image

  • amazonlinux: Amazon Linux 2

Some of the distros may not support using conda or specifying CUDA for GPU. Here is the support matrix for all distros:


Available Python Versions

Conda Support

CUDA Support (GPU)


3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10




3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10




3.8, 3.9




3.7, 3.8



GPU support#

You use the cuda_version field to specify the target CUDA version to install on the generated Docker image. For example:

    cuda_version: "11.6.2"

When choosing the CUDA version, it is important to ensure compatibility between the CUDA version and the machine learning framework you are using, such as PyTorch or TensorFlow. For details, refer to the official documentation or the installation instructions of these frameworks.

BentoML supports the following CUDA versions: 12.1.1, 12.1.0, 12.0.1, 12.0.0, 11.8.0, 11.7.1, 11.6.2, 11.4.3, and 11.2.2. If you need a different CUDA version, you can install it by specifying it in the system_packages or the setup_script field.

Install a custom CUDA version with conda

Do the following to install a custom CUDA version via conda.

  1. Add the following to your bentofile.yaml file:

      - conda-forge
      - nvidia
      - defaults
      - cudatoolkit-dev=10.1
      - cudnn=7.6.4
      - cxx-compiler=1.0
      - mpi4py=3.0 # installs cuda-aware openmpi
      - matplotlib=3.2
      - networkx=2.4
      - numba=0.48
      - pandas=1.0
  2. Proceed with bentoml build and bentoml containerize respectively:

    $ bentoml build
    $ bentoml containerize <bento>:<tag>

Setup script#

For advanced Docker customization, you can also use the setup_script field to inject any script during the image build process. For example, with NLP projects you can pre-download NLTK data in the image by setting the following values.

In the bentofile.yaml file:

    - nltk
  setup_script: "./"

In the file:

set -euxo pipefail

echo "Downloading NLTK data.."
python -m nltk.downloader all

Build a new Bento and then run bentoml containerize MY_BENTO --progress plain to view the Docker image build progress. The newly built Docker image will contain the pre-downloaded NLTK dataset.


When working with bash scripts, we recommend you add set -euxo pipefail to the beginning. Especially when set -e is missing, the script will fail silently without raising an exception during bentoml containerize. Learn more about Bash Set builtin.

It is also possible to provide a Python script for initializing the Docker image. Here’s an example:

In the bentofile.yaml file:

      - nltk
  setup_script: "./"

In the file:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import nltk

print("Downloading NLTK data..")'treebank')


Pay attention to #!/bin/bash and #!/usr/bin/env python in the first line of the example scripts above. They are known as Shebang and they are required in a setup script provided to BentoML.

Setup scripts are always executed after the specified Python packages, conda dependencies, and system packages are installed. Therefore, you can import and utilize those libraries in your setup script for the initialization process.

Enable features for your Bento#

You can optionally pass in the --enable-features flag to bentoml containerize to enable additional features for the generated Bento image.




Add AWS interop (currently file upload to S3)


Enable gRPC functionalities in BentoML


Enable gRPC Channelz for debugging purposes


Enable gRPC Reflection


Add Pillow dependencies to Image IO descriptor


Add Pydantic validation to JSON IO descriptor


Add Pandas dependencies to PandasDataFrame descriptor


Enable Jaeger Exporter for distributed tracing


Enable OTLP Exporter for distributed tracing


Enable Zipkin Exporter for distributed tracing


Enable Monitoring feature

Advanced options#

For advanced customization for generating Docker images, see Advanced Containerization:

  1. Using base image

  2. Using Dockerfile template

Docker options table#

The following table provides a full list of available configurations for the docker field.




The OS distribution on the Docker image. It defaults to debian.


The Python version on the Docker image [3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10]. It defaults to the Python version in the build environment.


The CUDA version on the Docker image [11.6.2].


The system packages that will be installed in the container.


The environment variables in the generated Dockerfile.


A Python or Shell script that will be executed during the Docker build process.


A user-provided Docker base image. This will override all other custom attributes of the image.


Customize the generated Dockerfile by providing a Jinja2 template that extends the default Dockerfile.