
EasyOCR is a ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages. It helps you to quickly convert and transcribe text from images. This guide provides an overiew of using EasyOCR with BentoML.


BentoML has been validated to work with EasyOCR version 1.6.2 and higher.

Save/Load a EasyOCR Reader with BentoML#

First, create a reader instance with the language codes for your usecase.

import easyocr

 reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'])

Save this reader instance using save_model() to save this to the BentoML model store

import bentoml

bento_model = bentoml.easyocr.save_model('en-reader', reader)

To verify that the saved model is working, load it back with load_model():

loaded_model = bentoml.easyocr.load_model('en-reader')

rs = loaded_model.readtext('image.jpg')


GPU behaviour

GPU can be passed through easyocr.Reader constructor as gpu=True. This means in order to use GPU, the reader instance must be created with a machine with GPU before saving it to BentoML.

Building a Service#

See also

Building a Service: more information on creating a prediction service with BentoML.

Create a service.py file separate from your training code that will be used to define the BentoML service:

import bentoml
import PIL.Image
import numpy as np

# create a runner from the saved Booster
runner = bentoml.easyocr.get("en-reader").to_runner()

# create a BentoML service
svc = bentoml.Service("ocr", runners=[runner])

# define a new endpoint on the BentoML service
@svc.api(input=bentoml.io.Image(), output=bentoml.io.JSON())
async def transcript_text(input: PIL.Image.Image) -> list:
    # use 'runner.predict.run(input)' instead of 'booster.predict'
    return await runner.readtext.async_run(np.asarray(input))

Take note of the name of the service (svc in this example) and the name of the file.

You should also have a bentofile.yaml alongside the service file that specifies that information, as well as the fact that it depends on XGBoost. This can be done using either python (if using pip), or conda:

service: "service:svc"
     - easyocr
     - bentoml
service: "service:svc"
  - conda-forge
  - easyocr

Using Runners#

See also

concepts/runner:Using Runners: a general introduction to the Runner concept and its usage.

A runner for a Reader is created like so:


runner.readtext.run is generally a drop-in replacement for reader.readtext.

Runners must to be initialized in order for their run methods to work. This is done by BentoML internally when you serve a bento with bentoml serve. See the runner debugging guide for more information about initializing runners locally.