
Concurrency refers to the ability of a BentoML Service to process multiple requests simultaneously. It directly impacts the throughput, latency, and overall performance of machine learning models in production. Proper concurrency management ensures that a Service can handle varying loads efficiently, maximizing resource utilization while maintaining high-quality service (QoS).

This document explains how to configure concurrency for BentoML Services.

Configure concurrency#

To specify concurrency for a BentoML Service, use the concurrency field in traffic within the @bentoml.service decorator when setting configurations:

        "concurrency": 1,  # An integer value
class MyService:

Key points about concurrency in BentoML:

  • concurrency is a new field introduced in BentoML 1.2.8. It represents the ideal number of requests that a BentoML Service (namely, all workers in the Service) can simultaneously process. By default, BentoML does not impose a limit on concurrency to avoid bottlenecks.

  • If your Service supports adaptive batching or continuous batching, set concurrency to match the batch size. This aligns processing capacity with batch requirements, optimizing throughput.

  • If a Service spawns multiple workers to leverage the parallelism of the underlying hardware accelerators (for example, multi-device GPUs), concurrency should be configured as the number of parallelism the devices can support.

  • For Services designed to handle one request at a time, set concurrency to 1, ensuring that requests are processed sequentially without overlap.

Concurrency and max concurrency#

When using the traffic field in the @bentoml.service decorator, you can configure concurrency and max_concurrency at the same time, which are both related to how many requests a Service can handle simultaneously.

        "concurrency": 5,
        "max_concurrency": 10,
class MyService:

Note that they serve different purposes:

  • concurrency: Indicates the ideal number of simultaneous requests that a Service is designed to handle efficiently. It’s a guideline for optimizing performance, particularly in terms of how batching or parallel processing is implemented. This means that the simultaneous requests being processed by a Service instance can still exceed the concurrency configured.

  • max_concurrency: Acts as a hard limit on the number of requests that can be processed simultaneously by a single instance of a Service. It’s used to prevent a Service from being overwhelmed by too many requests at once, which could degrade performance or lead to resource exhaustion. Requests that exceed the max_concurrency limit will be rejected to maintain QoS and ensure that each request is handled within an acceptable time frame. Note that starting from BentoML 1.2.8, max_concurrency applies to the aggregate of all workers within a Service. For prior versions, it works on a per-worker basis.

Concurrency-based autoscaling#

For using concurrency-based autoscaling on BentoCloud, see Autoscaling.