Model Store#

BentoML provides a local Model Store to save and manage models, which is essentially a local file directory maintained by BentoML. This document explains how to use the BentoML Model Store.

When should you use the Model Store?#

While it’s straightforward to download and use pre-trained models from public model hubs like Hugging Face directly within a file for simple use cases, more complex scenarios often require a more organized approach to model management. We recommend you use the BentoML Model Store in the following scenarios:

  • Private model management: If you are working with private models that have been fine-tuned or trained from scratch for specific tasks, using BentoML’s Model Store offers a secure and efficient way to store, version, and access these models across your projects.

  • Model cataloging: BentoML’s Model Store facilitates easy cataloging and versioning of models, enabling you to maintain a clear record of model iterations and switch between different model versions as required.

  • Model downloading acceleration in BentoCloud: For deployment on BentoCloud, the Model Store improves the cold start time of model downloading. BentoCloud caches models to expedite their availability and supports streaming loading of models directly to GPU memory.

Save a model#

You can register a model to the Model Store using bentoml.models.create() with a context manager to ensure proper cleanup and saving of the model. For example, you can save a Hugging Face Transformers pipeline into the Model Store as below:

import transformers
import bentoml

model= "sshleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6"
task = "summarization"
pipeline = transformers.pipeline(task, model=model)

with bentoml.models.create(
    name='summarization-model', # Name of the model in the Model Store
) as model_ref:
    print(f"Model saved: {model_ref}")

By default, all models downloaded to the Model Store are saved in the directory /home/user/bentoml/models/, with each of them assigned a specific subdirectory. For example, the above code snippet will save the summarization model to /home/user/bentoml/models/summarization-model/. You can retrieve the path of the saved model by using its path property.

If you have an existing model on disk, you can import it into the BentoML Model Store through shutil.

import shutil
import bentoml

local_model_dir = '/path/to/your/local/model/directory'

with bentoml.models.create(
    name='my-local-model', # Name of the model in the Model Store
) as model_ref:
    # Copy the entire model directory to the BentoML Model Store
    shutil.copytree(local_model_dir, model_ref.path, dirs_exist_ok=True)
    print(f"Model saved: {model_ref}")

Retrieve a model#

To retrieve a model from the BentoML Model Store, use the get method.

import bentoml
bento_model: bentoml.Model = bentoml.models.get("summarization-model:latest")

# Print related attributes of the model object.

bentoml.models.get returns a bentoml.Model instance, linking to a saved model entry in the BentoML Model Store. You can then use the instance to get model information like tag, labels, and file system paths, or create a Service on top of it.

For example, you can load the model into a Transformers pipeline as below for the project in Quickstart.

import bentoml
from transformers import pipeline

class Summarization:
    # Define the model as a class variable
    model_ref = bentoml.models.get("summarization-model")

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # Load model into pipeline
        self.pipeline = pipeline('summarization', self.model_ref.path)


When you retrieve your model within a Service class, it is important to consider whether you want to define the model as a class variable or within the constructor (init method). By defining the model as a class variable, you explicitly declare it as a dependency of the Service. This makes it clear to BentoML’s packaging mechanism which resources need to be included when the Service is packaged as a Bento and deployed. This is important in ensuring that all necessary models are available in production, not just in the local development setup.

If you use bentoml.models.get() inside the constructor, it works locally because the model is fetched every time an instance of the Service is created. In local development, this might not be a problem because the environment is controlled and the model is readily available. However, when you deploy the Service in a production environment like BentoCloud, this can lead to issues:

  • Dependency tracking: BentoML might not automatically recognize the model as a dependency of the Service, as it’s not declared at the class level. This can lead to deployment packages missing required models. To avoid this, you can specify the models field in bentofile.yaml to tell BentoML explicitly what models should be referenced. For more information, see models.

  • Performance: Loading the model in every instance initialization can significantly increase memory usage and slow down the startup time of each worker, especially if your model is large.

Consider the following when deciding where to use bentoml.models.get():

  • Class-level definitions: Defining models and other dependencies as class-level attributes can help you make dependencies explicit and manage them efficiently.

  • Constructor usage: The constructor should be used for initializing instance-specific configurations that do not involve heavy lifting like loading models.

Manage models#

Saving a model to the Model Store and retrieving it are the two most common use cases for managing models. In addition to them, you can also perform other operations by using the BentoML CLI or management APIs.

CLI commands#

You can perform the following operations on models by using the BentoML CLI.

To list all available models:

$ bentoml models list

Tag                                   Module  Size      Creation Time
summarization-model:btwtmvu5kwqc67i3          1.14 GiB  2023-12-18 03:25:10

To retrieve the information of a specific model:

$ bentoml models get summarization-model:latest

name: summarization-model
version: btwtmvu5kwqc67i3
module: ''
labels: {}
options: {}
model_name: sshleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6
task_name: summarization
framework_name: ''
framework_versions: {}
bentoml_version: 1.1.10.post84+ge2e9ccc1
python_version: 3.9.16
signatures: {}
api_version: v1
creation_time: '2023-12-18T03:25:10.972481+00:00'

You can export a model in the BentoML Model Store as a standalone archive file and share it between teams or move it between different build stages. For example:

$ bentoml models export summarization-model:latest .

Model(tag="summarization-model:btwtmvu5kwqc67i3") exported to ./summarization-model-btwtmvu5kwqc67i3.bentomodel
$ bentoml models import ./summarization-model-btwtmvu5kwqc67i3.bentomodel

Model(tag="summarization-model:btwtmvu5kwqc67i3") imported

You can export models to and import models from external storage devices, such as AWS S3, GCS, FTP and Dropbox. For example:

pip install fs-s3fs  *# Additional dependency required for working with s3*
bentoml models export summarization-model:latest s3://my_bucket/my_prefix/

BentoCloud provides a centralized model repository with flexible APIs and a web console for managing all models created by your team. After you log in to BentoCloud, use bentoml models push and bentoml models pull to upload your models to and download them from BentoCloud:

$ bentoml models push summarization-model:latest

Successfully pushed model "summarization-model:btwtmvu5kwqc67i3"                                                                                                                                                                                           │
$ bentoml models pull summarization-model:latest

Successfully pulled model "summarization-model:btwtmvu5kwqc67i3"
$ bentoml models delete summarization-model:latest -y

INFO [cli] Model(tag="summarization-model:btwtmvu5kwqc67i3") deleted


Learn more about CLI usage by running bentoml models --help.

Python APIs#

In addition to the CLI commands, BentoML also provides equivalent Python APIs for managing models.

bentoml.models.list returns a list of bentoml.Model instances:

import bentoml
models = bentoml.models.list()
import bentoml
bentoml.models.export_model('iris_clf:latest', '/path/to/folder/my_model.bentomodel')

You can export models to and import models from external storage devices, such as AWS S3, GCS, FTP and Dropbox. For example:


If you have access to BentoCloud, you can also push local models to or pull models from it.

import bentoml
import bentoml