Source code for _bentoml_sdk.decorators

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t

from bentoml._internal.types import LazyType

from .io_models import IODescriptor
from .method import APIMethod

F = t.TypeVar("F", bound=t.Callable[..., t.Any])
R = t.TypeVar("R")
T = t.TypeVar("T", bound="APIMethod[..., t.Any]")

    from fastapi import FastAPI  # noqa: F401

    from bentoml._internal.external_typing import ASGIApp

    P = t.ParamSpec("P")
    P = t.TypeVar("P")

def on_shutdown(func: F) -> F:
    """Mark a method as a shutdown hook for the service."""
    setattr(func, "__bentoml_shutdown_hook__", True)
    return func

def on_deployment(func: t.Callable[P, R] | staticmethod[P, R]) -> staticmethod[P, R]:
    inner = func.__func__ if isinstance(func, staticmethod) else func
    setattr(inner, "__bentoml_deployment_hook__", True)
    return func if isinstance(func, staticmethod) else staticmethod(func)  # type: ignore

def api(func: t.Callable[t.Concatenate[t.Any, P], R]) -> APIMethod[P, R]: ...

def api(
    route: str | None = ...,
    name: str | None = ...,
    input_spec: type[IODescriptor] | None = ...,
    output_spec: type[IODescriptor] | None = ...,
    batchable: bool = ...,
    batch_dim: int | tuple[int, int] = ...,
    max_batch_size: int = ...,
    max_latency_ms: int = ...,
) -> t.Callable[[t.Callable[t.Concatenate[t.Any, P], R]], APIMethod[P, R]]: ...

[docs]def api( func: t.Callable[t.Concatenate[t.Any, P], R] | None = None, *, route: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, input_spec: type[IODescriptor] | None = None, output_spec: type[IODescriptor] | None = None, batchable: bool = False, batch_dim: int | tuple[int, int] = 0, max_batch_size: int = 100, max_latency_ms: int = 60000, ) -> ( APIMethod[P, R] | t.Callable[[t.Callable[t.Concatenate[t.Any, P], R]], APIMethod[P, R]] ): """Make a BentoML API method. This decorator can be used either with or without arguments. Args: func: The function to be wrapped. route: The route of the API. e.g. "/predict" name: The name of the API. input_spec: The input spec of the API, should be a subclass of ``pydantic.BaseModel``. output_spec: The output spec of the API, should be a subclass of ``pydantic.BaseModel``. batchable: Whether the API is batchable. batch_dim: The batch dimension of the API. max_batch_size: The maximum batch size of the API. max_latency_ms: The maximum latency of the API. """ def wrapper(func: t.Callable[t.Concatenate[t.Any, P], R]) -> APIMethod[P, R]: params: dict[str, t.Any] = { "batchable": batchable, "batch_dim": batch_dim, "max_batch_size": max_batch_size, "max_latency_ms": max_latency_ms, } if route is not None: params["route"] = route if name is not None: params["name"] = name if input_spec is not None: params["input_spec"] = input_spec if output_spec is not None: params["output_spec"] = output_spec return APIMethod(func, **params) if func is not None: return wrapper(func) return wrapper
def mount_asgi_app( app: ASGIApp, *, path: str = "/", name: str | None = None ) -> t.Callable[[R], R]: """Mount an ASGI app to the service. Args: app: The ASGI app to be mounted. path: The path to mount the app. name: The name of the app. """ from ._internals import make_fastapi_class_views from .service import Service def decorator(obj: R) -> R: lazy_fastapi = LazyType["FastAPI"]("fastapi.FastAPI") if isinstance(obj, Service): obj.mount_asgi_app(app, path=path, name=name) if lazy_fastapi.isinstance(app): make_fastapi_class_views(obj.inner, app) else: mount_apps = getattr(obj, "__bentoml_mounted_apps__", []) mount_apps.append((app, path, name)) setattr(obj, "__bentoml_mounted_apps__", mount_apps) if lazy_fastapi.isinstance(app): make_fastapi_class_views(obj, app) return obj return decorator