Source code for bentoml.deployment

User facing python APIs for deployment

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t

import attr
from simple_di import Provide
from simple_di import inject

from import Deployment
from import DeploymentConfigParameters
from import DeploymentInfo
from import EnvItemSchema
from bentoml._internal.tag import Tag
from bentoml.exceptions import BentoMLException

from ._internal.configuration.containers import BentoMLContainer

    from ._internal.bento import BentoStore

def create(
    name: str | None = ...,
    path_context: str | None = ...,
    context: str | None = ...,
    _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store],
    bento: Tag | str | None = ...,
    cluster: str | None = ...,
    access_authorization: bool | None = ...,
    scaling_min: int | None = ...,
    scaling_max: int | None = ...,
    instance_type: str | None = ...,
    strategy: str | None = ...,
    envs: t.List[EnvItemSchema] | t.List[dict[str, t.Any]] | None = ...,
    extras: dict[str, t.Any] | None = ...,
) -> DeploymentInfo: ...

def create(
    name: str | None = ...,
    path_context: str | None = ...,
    context: str | None = ...,
    _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store],
    bento: Tag | str | None = ...,
    config_file: str | None = ...,
) -> DeploymentInfo: ...

def create(
    name: str | None = ...,
    path_context: str | None = ...,
    context: str | None = ...,
    _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store],
    bento: Tag | str | None = ...,
    config_dict: dict[str, t.Any] | None = ...,
) -> DeploymentInfo: ...

[docs]@inject def create( name: str | None = None, path_context: str | None = None, context: str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], *, bento: Tag | str | None = None, cluster: str | None = None, access_authorization: bool | None = None, scaling_min: int | None = None, scaling_max: int | None = None, instance_type: str | None = None, strategy: str | None = None, envs: t.List[EnvItemSchema] | t.List[dict[str, t.Any]] | None = None, extras: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, config_dict: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, config_file: str | None = None, ) -> DeploymentInfo: config_params = DeploymentConfigParameters( name=name, path_context=path_context, context=context, bento=bento, cluster=cluster, access_authorization=access_authorization, scaling_max=scaling_max, scaling_min=scaling_min, instance_type=instance_type, strategy=strategy, envs=( [ attr.asdict(item) if isinstance(item, EnvItemSchema) else item for item in envs ] if envs is not None else None ), extras=extras, config_dict=config_dict, config_file=config_file, ) try: config_params.verify() except BentoMLException as e: raise BentoMLException( f"Failed to create deployment due to invalid configuration: {e}" ) return Deployment.create( deployment_config_params=config_params, context=context, )
@t.overload def update( name: str | None = ..., path_context: str | None = ..., context: str | None = ..., cluster: str | None = ..., _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], *, bento: Tag | str | None = ..., access_authorization: bool | None = ..., scaling_min: int | None = ..., scaling_max: int | None = ..., instance_type: str | None = ..., strategy: str | None = ..., envs: t.List[EnvItemSchema] | t.List[dict[str, t.Any]] | None = ..., extras: dict[str, t.Any] | None = ..., ) -> DeploymentInfo: ... @t.overload def update( name: str | None = ..., path_context: str | None = ..., context: str | None = ..., cluster: str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], *, bento: Tag | str | None = ..., config_file: str | None = ..., ) -> DeploymentInfo: ... @t.overload def update( name: str | None = ..., path_context: str | None = ..., context: str | None = ..., cluster: str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], *, bento: Tag | str | None = ..., config_dict: dict[str, t.Any] | None = ..., ) -> DeploymentInfo: ...
[docs]@inject def update( name: str | None = None, path_context: str | None = None, context: str | None = None, cluster: str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], *, bento: Tag | str | None = None, access_authorization: bool | None = None, scaling_min: int | None = None, scaling_max: int | None = None, instance_type: str | None = None, strategy: str | None = None, envs: ( t.List[EnvItemSchema] | t.List[dict[str, t.Any]] | t.List[dict[str, t.Any]] | None ) = None, extras: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, config_dict: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, config_file: str | None = None, ) -> DeploymentInfo: config_params = DeploymentConfigParameters( name=name, path_context=path_context, context=context, bento=bento, cluster=cluster, access_authorization=access_authorization, scaling_max=scaling_max, scaling_min=scaling_min, instance_type=instance_type, strategy=strategy, envs=( [ attr.asdict(item) if isinstance(item, EnvItemSchema) else item for item in envs ] if envs is not None else None ), extras=extras, config_dict=config_dict, config_file=config_file, ) try: config_params.verify() except BentoMLException as e: raise BentoMLException( f"Failed to create deployment due to invalid configuration: {e}" ) return Deployment.update( deployment_config_params=config_params, context=context, )
@t.overload def apply( name: str | None = ..., cluster: t.Optional[str] = ..., path_context: t.Optional[str] = ..., context: t.Optional[str] = ..., _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], *, bento: t.Optional[t.Union[Tag, str]] = ..., config_dict: t.Optional[dict[str, t.Any]] = ..., ) -> DeploymentInfo: ... @t.overload def apply( name: str | None = ..., cluster: t.Optional[str] = ..., path_context: t.Optional[str] = ..., context: t.Optional[str] = ..., _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], *, bento: t.Optional[t.Union[Tag, str]] = ..., config_file: t.Optional[str] = ..., ) -> DeploymentInfo: ...
[docs]@inject def apply( name: str | None = None, cluster: str | None = None, path_context: str | None = None, context: str | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], *, bento: Tag | str | None = None, config_dict: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, config_file: str | None = None, ) -> DeploymentInfo: config_params = DeploymentConfigParameters( name=name, path_context=path_context, context=context, bento=bento, cluster=cluster, config_dict=config_dict, config_file=config_file, ) try: config_params.verify() except BentoMLException as e: raise BentoMLException( f"Failed to create deployment due to invalid configuration: {e}" ) return Deployment.apply( deployment_config_params=config_params, context=context, )
[docs]def get( name: str, context: str | None = None, cluster: str | None = None, ) -> DeploymentInfo: return Deployment.get( name=name, context=context, cluster=cluster, )
[docs]def terminate( name: str, context: str | None = None, cluster: str | None = None, ) -> DeploymentInfo: return Deployment.terminate( name=name, context=context, cluster=cluster, )
[docs]def delete( name: str, context: str | None = None, cluster: str | None = None, ) -> None: Deployment.delete( name=name, context=context, cluster=cluster, )
[docs]def list( context: str | None = None, cluster: str | None = None, search: str | None = None, ) -> t.List[DeploymentInfo]: return Deployment.list(context=context, cluster=cluster, search=search)
__all__ = ["create", "get", "update", "apply", "terminate", "delete", "list"]